Attempted Sexual Assault
Client was accused of aggressively grabbing the breasts and vagina of a masseuse and attempting to sexually assault her.
Assault/Domestic Violence
The State accused Client of punching and scratching the Complainant while he was driving. Client also allegedly destroyed the Complainant’s cell phone.
Possession of Methamphetamine
Client accused of possession methamphetamine found in her purse.
Assault/Domestic violence
Client allegedly grabbed and kicked the Complainant and then sprayed an unknown substance into her eyes.
Carrying a Weapon
Officers pulled over Client for a traffic violation and allegedly smelled marijuana. Officers searched the car and found a gun in the glove box which came back stolen.
Assault Family Member Second Offender
Client was accused of punching the complainant in her face with a closed fist during an argument.
Money Laundering
Client was accused of transporting $83,000 of cash inside a 5-gallon bucket of axel grease. The State alleged the currency constituted proceeds from the sale of narcotics.
Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon
During a fight with his roommate, Client caused severe trauma to the Complainant’s head with a metal pole.
Aggravated Assault of a Family Member
Client allegedly threatened the girlfriend of her son with a knife.
Evading Arrest in a Motor Vehicle
HPD pulled over client for a traffic violation. Client fled in his car after the officer
approached his window. The chase was captured on the camera in the officer’s car.
Aggravated Assault of a Family Member
Client accused of striking her 14-year-old daughter with a wooden board.
Client was allegedly caught on camera catching the complainant’s car on fire while it was parked in her driveway.
Felon in Possession of a Firearm
Client is a convicted felon and was found to have a gun in his groin area after being searched by an officer.
Felony Assault of a Family Member/Domestic Violence
Complainant claimed that Client hit her with closed fists and then choked her while she was pregnant.
Felon in Possession of a Firearm
Client was a passenger in a friend’s car when they were pulled over on traffic. The Officer smelled marijuana and believed Client was hiding something under his seat. After searching the vehicle, a gun was found under Client’s seat.
Injury to Elderly
Client was accused of pushing his 75-year-old father and causing him to fracture his hip.
Attempted Aggravated Robbery
Client was accused of being a participant in a criminal enterprise that robbed cigarette delivery trucks and re-sold them. Police claimed that Client and another vehicle followed a cigarette truck with undercover officers with guns and masks.
Felony Assault of a Family Member/Domestic Violence
Pregnant Complainant alleged that Client punched her and kicked her in the stomach before pushing her out of his car.
Assault of a Police Officer
Officer claimed that Client struck him in the face with a closed fist.
Burglary of a Habitation
Client was accused of stealing from homes flooded and abandoned following hurricane Harvey.
Possession of Methamphetamine
After a traffic stop, police officers found approximately 2 grams of methamphetamine in the center console of the car Client was driving.
Felony Assault of a Family Member/Domestic Violence
Complainant told police that Client became jealous and then knocked her to the ground after hitting her with a large bag. Client allegedly then bit the Complainant and struck her with a closed fist.
Felony Carrying a Weapon on Liquor License Premises
Security was attempting to remove Client from the at a restaurant/bar after Client allegedly had an argument with one of the employees. Police found a gun in Client’s waistband.
Felony Assault of a Family Member/Domestic Violence
Client was accused of striking his ex-girlfriend with closed fists and then choking her until she lost consciousness.