Concealing Records of Previous Arrests

Criminal charges and arrest records, even those not resulting in a final conviction, can adversely impact your future. Criminal records can impact your ability to get a job, purchase a home, purchase a gun, or get into college. Because of these possibilities, it is vital that you fully understand your options for concealing records of your previous arrests. If you are interested in hearing more about concealing your prior arrest records through an expunction order or nondisclosure order, contact David Overhuls today at 713-223-8801 for your free consultation.

Expunction in Texas

Chapter 55 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure allows for expunctions of certain criminal offenses. If you are eligible for expunction, and follow all proper procedures and rules, the judge must sign your expunction order. The categories that may be eligible for expunction include:

  • Cases where an individual was found not guilty at trial
  • Most dismissed felonies and misdemeanors
  • Class C misdemeanors that were dismissed after completion of deferred adjudication
  • Most misdemeanors and felonies where an individual was arrested, but not charged if the required waiting time has passed
  • Convictions that have been pardoned
  • Cases where the prosecutor recommends expunction

Once an expunction order is entered by the Court, you can deny the existence of any criminal history including the arrest and expunction. This includes denial on job applications, college applications, or applications to join the military. After an expunction order is signed, all records of your arrest must be destroyed. If you would like to learn more about having your criminal records expunged, contact David Overhuls today for your free consultation.

Nondisclosures in Texas

In contrast to expunctions, your arrest records are not destroyed after obtaining a nondisclosure order. A nondisclosure order prevents the Texas Department of Public Safety and other law enforcement agencies from releasing arrest and case information to anyone other than law enforcement or other specifically listed agencies. Orders of nondisclosure will help avoid many of the harmful effects that come with criminal charge and arrest records including difficulty finding housing, financing, or employment. As of September 1, 2017, you may be eligible to seal the records of your DWI probation.

If you would like to learn more about obtaining a nondisclosure order for your arrest and case information, contact David Overhuls today at 713-223-8801 for your free consultation.

Contact David About Expunctions/Nondisclosures